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2023 May 17 - 23 [POLITICS]

JCP and Japan bar association agree to cooperate to protect human rights and peace

May 19, 2023

The Japanese Communist Party and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations on May 18 held a meeting in Tokyo, and agreed on their cooperation in efforts to protect human rights and peace.

Those who attended the meeting which was hosted by the JFBA political league were, from the JFBA, President Kobayashi Motoharu, 15 vice presidents, and other officials, and from the JCP, Chair Shii Kazuo, Secretariat Head Koike Akira, Policy Commission Chair Tamura Tomoko, Diet Policy Commission Chair Kokuta Keiji, and six JCP Dietmembers.

JFBA President Kobayashi said that the rule of law, the basic concept of the postwar international order, has been shaken with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and expressed his hope that the JCP will send a message regarding ways to build a peaceful international society to people inside and outside Japan.

JFBA political league director general Kikuchi Yutaro pointed out that the JFBA and the JCP are on the same page about various human rights issues, and expressed his expectations for the JCP’s role in efforts to protect human rights and support vulnerable people.

Shii touched on the Kishida administration’s move toward Japan’s possession of enemy base attack capability and a major military buildup, and said, “The JCP has conducted Diet deliberation with the help of the JFBA statement regarding this issue which was published in December 2022.” He expressed his determination to increase grass-roots movements opposing the planned military expansion.

Talking about the JCP’s peacebuilding efforts, Shii, as an example cited the JCP activity seeking a positive improvement in Japan-China relations. He said that the JCP delivered the party proposal to this effect to both governments, and added that the party intends to strengthen cross-party cooperation in efforts to build a genuine peace.

Shii noted that in opposition to the government-proposed adverse revision of the Immigration Control Law, many people, mainly young people, have stood up to block the revision, and that opposition parties including the JCP proposed their own bill. He expressed his determination to work hard to achieve the passage of the opposition parties’ bill.

Shii said that the JCP will cooperate with the JFBA to realize the bar federation’s demand for a change in the criminal retrial system to save victims of false accusation.

JCP Secretariat Head Koike Akira said that the JCP will make its utmost efforts to prevent a move in the Diet to chip away at the Constitution and to defend this supreme law.

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