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2023 July 5 - 11 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii: Important thing is whether CDPJ is serious about seeking electoral cooperation with pro-Constitution opposition parties

July 7, 2023

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on July 6 at a press conference in the Diet building pointed out that the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan’s position on electoral cooperation is important because it provides the foundation for the development of the joint struggle between concerned citizens and opposition parties as well as for a “serious and genuine collaboration” among pro-Constitution opposition parties.

Shii said this when asked for a comment on CDPJ Secretary General Oakada Katsuya’s remark on July 4 in which he expressed his intention to make thoroughgoing efforts to coordinate with other opposition parties regarding the selection of candidates to run in the next general election.

Shii noted that the ruling parties together with the “Nippon Ishin no Kai” and the Democratic Party for the People are pushing forward with adverse policies such as a huge military buildup, Japan’s possession of enemy base attack capabilities, and a revision of the pacifist Article 9 of the Constitution, and said, “This is causing a critical situation in Japan’s politics.”

Shii said that in order to break through this situation, the need is for pro-Constitution opposition parties to establish a “serious and genuine collaborative relation” and reach a positive agreement through discussions on common policies and electoral cooperation based on the principle of mutual respect on an equal footing. He pointed out that there are many challenges to overcome. However, he said, the JCP, as indicated in its 8th Central Committee Plenum, will stick to its basic stance to work to realize electoral cooperation.

Shii said that he paid attention to the fact that the CDPJ secretary general said that in line with the CDPJ head Izumi Kenta’s instruction, he made his remarks that the CDPJ will work hard to coordinate the selection of opposition candidates and that the CDPJ, if possible, will negotiate with the JCP regarding the coordination of candidates. Shii said that he will request the CDPJ to provide a detailed explanation about Izumi’s instruction and the inconsistency between his instruction and his previous remark denying electoral cooperation and coordination of the selection of candidates with the JCP. He added, “If the CDPJ asks the JCP for cooperation, it should explain these inconsistencies in the first place.”

Shii said that the CDPJ’s position on opposition parties’ cooperation forms a foundation for discussions on a common agenda, electoral cooperation based on the principle of mutual respect on an equal footing, and the formation of a new government. He said, “Discussions on electoral cooperation will not start unless the CDPJ expresses its intent to cooperate with the JCP.”

Past related article:
> JCP Koike: CDPJ should retract its leader's remark denying coordinating selection of candidates with JCP for general election [July 4, 2023]
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