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2011 January 12 - 18 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Kan reshuffles cabinet to facilitate consumption tax hike and participation in TPP

January 15, 2011
“The new cabinet lineup clearly reveals the Kan Cabinet’s loyalty to the business circles’ demands for a consumption tax increase and participation in the TPP,” Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo commented on January 14.

Prime Minister Kan Naoto on January 14 announced his reshuffled cabinet lineup. This was his second reshuffle after the first one in last September.

In the new cabinet, Yosano Kaoru, an advocate of the consumption tax hike who quit the opposition Sunrise Party of Japan on the previous day, was appointed state minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy.

Kaieda Banri, who actively supports Japan’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade pact, transferred from minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy to minister of economy, trade, and industry.

Edano Yukio, former acting secretary general of the Democratic Party of Japan, succeeded Sengoku Yoshito as chief cabinet secretary. Sengoku was censured last year by the opposition in the House of Councilors.

Yosano served as finance minister in the Aso Cabinet of the Liberal Democratic Party until the DPJ took power as a result of the 2009 House of Representatives general election. Last year, just before the House of Councilors election in July, he left the LDP and founded the Sunrise Party of Japan. At that time, Yosano criticized the former Hatoyama administration for having no vision in regard to fiscal policy.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo, asked by reporters to comment on Kan’s new cabinet at the JCP head office, said, “The new cabinet lineup clearly reveals the Kan Cabinet’s loyalty to the business circles’ demands for a consumption tax increase and participation in the TPP.”

Commenting on the appointment of Yosano as minister in charge of fiscal policy and social welfare reform, Shii said, “This underlines Kan’s eagerness to move for a consumption tax hike by June.”

Regarding the issue of the TPP, Shii stated, “A person pushing strongly for Japan’s entry into the TPP was appointed as minister in charge of the TPP issue. If the government concludes the TPP, it will not only harm Japan’s agriculture and local economies but also cause damage to the environment.”

Shii went on to say, “The JCP will struggle against the Kan Cabinet and its controversial policies of increasing the consumption tax and participating in the TPP negotiations.”
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