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2024 September 25 - October 1 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Plaintiffs in Nagasaki ‘black rain’ suit criticize gov’t policy to challenge district court ruling as unacceptable

September 22 & 25, 2024

In the so-called Nagasaki “black rain” lawsuit, the national government on September 21 announced its policy to challenge the district court ruling recognizing some of the plaintiffs as “A-bomb survivors (Hibakusha)”.

In the background behind this policy is the government’s negative attitude toward admitting that radioactive “black rain” following the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki adversely affected the human body.

On September 24, the deadline for appealing, the Nagasaki prefectural and city governments in compliance with Tokyo’s request filed an appeal with the Fukuoka High Court. On the same day, plaintiffs whose claims were dismissed by the district court appealed to the Fukuoka High Court.

At a press conference after the appeal was registered, the plaintiffs’ group head, Iwanaga Chiyoko, 88, said that it is really frustrating that the prefectural and city governments mindlessly followed the national government’s policy.

The Nagasaki “black rain” lawsuit was filed in 2018 against the Nagasaki prefectural and city governments by 44 “Hibaku Taikensha”, who were exposed to black rain (radioactive fallout) in the aftermath of the 1945 atomic bombing outside the central government-designated relief zone. In their court battle, they demanded that the prefectural and city authorities certify them as “Hibakusha”. The Nagasaki District Court in its ruling issued on September 9 recognized 15 of the 44 plaintiffs as “Hibakusha”.

Past related article:
> Court recognizes some of plaintiffs in Nagasaki ‘black rain’ suit as ‘Hibakusha’ [September 10, 2024]
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