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2024 December 4 - 10 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP demands gov’t action to tackle climate crisis and to push for truce in Gaza

December 5, 2024

Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira, in his interpellation at the House of Councilors plenary session on December 4, demanded that Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru present effective countermeasures to tackle global warming as well as concrete measures to help bring about an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Climate crisis

Koike: The ongoing climate crisis is threatening the survival of humanity. However, Japan still has not set a deadline for when it will desist from coal-fired power generation. Regarding reduction targets in 2035 based on the Paris Agreement, the government’s proposal, which is to cut Japan’s GHG emissions by 60% from the 2013 level, is disgracefully inadequate.

Koike: The United Kingdom, for example, shut down all its coal-fired power stations this past September. Japan should also depart from coal power generation and should set a target to cut its CO2 emissions by 75-80% from the 2013 level by 2035.

Gaza conflict

Koike: An immediate ceasefire in Palestine’s Gaza strip is an urgent task for the international community. Israel’s campaign of genocide in Gaza is completely unjustifiable and indefensible although the Hamas-led attack on Israel precipitated the reaction of revenge.

Koike: The ICC last month issued warrants of arrest for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. Japan should fulfill its duty to facilitate the capture of Netanyahu.

Koike: The UN General Assembly passed a resolution in September calling upon all State Parties to ensure that their nationals and companies do not act in any way that would support Israel’s lawlessness as well as to cease the provision or transfer of arms, munitions, and related equipment to Israel. Since Japan voted for this resolution, it should take concrete measures in line with the resolution’s call for action.

Koike: Japan should stop considering the purchase of Israeli-made drones. Instead, it should persuade the United States, which continues to offer arms and assistance to Israel, to stop enabling and supporting the genocide Israel is committing.

Past related article:
> Japan, ICC’s largest donor, should cooperate in enforcing arrest warrants for war crimes by Hamas and Israel [December 3, 2024]
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