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2024 December 11 - 17 [PEACE]

Hibakusha in Oslo interact with Norwegian peace group

December 13, 2024
A group of 50 A-bomb survivors (Hibakusha) held an exchange meeting with a Norwegian peace organization, a member of the International Peace Bureau (IPB), in Oslo to discuss cooperation in eliminating nuclear weapons.

The Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Japan Gensuikyo), also an IPB member, cosponsored this event

At the meeting, Norwegian activists spoke of their concerns regarding the bringing-in of U.S. nuclear weapons into Scandinavia where 47 U.S. military bases are located. Both Japanese and Norwegian participants affirmed the importance of increasing the international movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

They discussed what kind of activities they can do in Japan and Norway, which are both under the U.S. nuclear umbrella, to contribute to establishing a world without nuclear weapons.

A second-generation Hibakusha suggested that photo panels showing the devastation of the 1945 A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which are available from Nihon Hidankyo, be exhibited at the Nobel Peace Center so that visitors can visualize the reality of the atomic bombings.

A member of the Norwegian peace group said, “We should promote the participation of all countries in the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.”

Tsuchida Yayoi of Japan Gensuikyo called for joint action in Norway, the U.S., and Japan on the day of the coming into force of the N-ban treaty (January 2025) as well as on the sidelines of the third meeting of the State Parties to the treaty (March 2025).
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