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2024 December 18 - 24 [POLITICS]

JCP urges gov’t to remove nuclear power generation from new basic energy plan

December 19, 2024

A group of Japanese Communist Party Dietmembers on December 17 submitted to Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Kato Akiyoshi a written request in regard to the ministry-drafted new basic energy plan which sets forth the direction of Japan’s energy policy for fiscal 2040.

The JCP in its document pointed out that it is unacceptable for the government to incorporate in its new energy plan a policy to make full use of nuclear power plants and build new NPPs. The JCP proposal demands that the new plan aim to reduce nuclear power production to zero by 2030; end the use of coal power by 2030; and decrease Japan’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 75-80% by 2030 compared with the 2013 level. The JCP also demanded Diet deliberation on the draft plan.

The JCP lawmakers present at the submission included Secretariat Head Koike Akira, Vice Chair Yamashita Yoshiki, Upper House members Iwabuchi Tomo and Kira Yoshiko, and Lower House member Tatsumi Kotaro.

In the meeting with Kato, Koike noted that regarding Japan’s GHG emissions reduction target, the government last month announced that it will consider setting a target of slashing emissions by 60% compared with the 2013 level. Koike said that as he mentioned in his Diet interpellation, in order to overcome the climate crisis, the government should get rid of coal-fired power generation without delay and establish a goal to cut GHG emissions by 75-80% from the 2013 level.

Iwabuchi referred to the government policy of “reducing dependence on nuclear power as much as possible” which was established following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Criticizing the government’s policy shift to the continued use and expansion of nuclear power generation, Iwabuchi expressed her determination to use Diet discussions to push the government to revise the draft energy plan.

The JCP group submitted a similar request to the Environment Ministry.

Past related article:
> JCP demands gov’t action to tackle climate crisis and to push for truce in Gaza [December 5, 2024]
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