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2025 January 15 - 21 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Budget allocated for 1st time for fostering Ainu speakers

January 17, 2025
The government in its draft budget for fiscal 2025 has included for the first time a budget for the fostering of Ainu language speakers.

In a written answer, which the Ishiba Cabinet approved on January 7, to the written request that Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Councilors Kami Tomoko had submitted, the government announced that it would make efforts to secure a budget for that purpose.

Asserting that language is the foundation of an ethnic culture, Kami had requested that the government compile a plan and a budget for the urgent training of native Ainu speakers.

The government in answer to Kami expressed its intent to secure a budget to create an Ainu language archive at the Cultural Affairs Agency and to train instructors and speakers of the Ainu language through the Foundation for Ainu Culture.

According to the government response, it will continue to hold meetings to exchange opinions with persons concerned on ways to eradicate discrimination and prejudice against the Ainu and will promote educational activities related to Ainu history and culture.

The Ainu people were deprived of their land and resources due to the government’s assimilation policy (1899-1997). They were forcibly displaced and their culture and language were denied. Under discrimination and prejudice, they suffered hardships for generations. Even today, a gap still exists between the average Japanese and the Ainu in terms of living conditions and higher education.

> JCP Kami attends Ainu-hosted international symposium regarding indigenous peoples’ rights [June 1, 2023]
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