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2011 March 2 - 8 [POLITICS]

What does each party call for in budget committee?

March 3, 2011
The FY 2011 budget draft passed the Lower House on February 28 and was sent to the Upper House. What was each political party, other than the Japanese Communist Party, calling for in the budget committee?

Democratic Party of Japan

The Democratic Party of Japan has become a copy of the Liberal Democratic Party. When the DPJ was an opposition party, Kan Naoto was stating, “Okinawa needs no U.S. Marines.” In the recent budget committee, however, he reversed his position, saying “(The Marines) are our allies and I want to express my respect for that.”

One DPJ Dietmember even proposed that a 25% consumption tax be introduced so as to increase revenues by 50 trillion yen and that social services spending be cut by 20%.

Liberal Democratic Party

The opposition LDP has been urging the ruling DPJ to respond more fully to the demands of business circles and large corporations. During the budget committee, the LDP criticized the DPJ for going against its Manifesto only to get the DPJ to “cross the Rubicon” by increasing the consumption tax rate. The LDP called for an increase in the consumption tax to at least 10% for the time being and called on the prime minister to dissolve the House of Representatives to seek a vote of either Yes or No to a consumption tax rate increase.

As to security issues and foreign affairs, the LDP has been insisting on building a new base at Henoko in Okinawa, and LDP General Council Chair Koike Yuriko demanded an increase in the defense budget. In criticism of ex-Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio’s remark “for the U.S. forces, Okinawa is a paradise,” former Defense Agency Director General Nakatani Gen said, “Think of their solitary and hard life.”

As to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact, the LDP maintained its position in favor of a complete liberalization of trade.

Komei Party

While criticizing the DPJ for breaking its public promises, the Komei Party has been taking the same position as the DPJ regarding a consumption tax rate increase. In the budget committee, it showed no self-criticism for the adverse changes in the social services system it helped to implement under the rule of the LDP-Komei coalition government.

Your Party

On Japan’s possible entry in the TPP, Secretary General of the Your Party Eda Kenji in the budget committee boasted that the Your Party was the only party calling for the immediate entry into the pact by Japan. The party also called for halving the corporate tax rate and introducing the so-called Do-shu system which encompasses broadly-based administrative blocs that will be detrimental to the sovereignty of local self-governments.
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