Japan Press Weekly

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HOME  > 2011 March 16 - 22
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JCP sends donations to disaster-hit prefectures

March 19 - 21, 2011
Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Takahashi Chizuko on March 20 visited disaster-hit Iwate and Fukushima prefectures to deliver 10 million yen each in donations that the JCP collected at various locations across Japan.

Takahashi is leading the JCP on-site taskforce to deal with the Great East Japan Disaster.

Iwate Governor Tasso Takuya expressed his appreciation and said, “I’ll put the donations to good use for emergency assistance and to help rebuild disaster areas.”

Tasso also demanded that the national government take drastic measures to help and revitalize the areas hit by the earthquake and tsunami. Responding to the governor, Takahashi said that disaster-hit areas lost their administrative functions and that it is necessary for the central government to provide support for those areas beyond the provisions of the existing relevant laws.

Governor Tasso stated, “I hope the energetic work of the JCP, which has grass-roots power in local communities and a nationwide network, will continue to assist us.”

On the previous day, Takahashi also handed over 10 million yen in donations to Miyagi Prefectural Vice Governor Miura Shuichi.

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Local JCP organizations and members throughout the country are holding fund-raising campaigns for the disaster victims in the wake of the devastating March 11 natural disaster.

Donations collected by the JCP will be sent to municipalities and medical institutions in the disaster-hit areas and used for JCP relief activities.

The JCP is making efforts to grasp the real on-the-ground situation of the quake and tsunami stricken areas and respond to disaster victims’ demands through the central and on-site taskforces that the JCP immediately established after the devastating disaster struck.

The JCP determines where to send donations it collected based on the degree of damage and informs the public how it used the donations through Akahata news and its website.
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