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HOME  > 2011 March 16 - 22
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2011 March 16 - 22 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

‘It’s marvelous that the nuclear plants could withstand the tsunami’: Keidanren chief

March 18, 2011
The head of Japan’s powerful business lobby Nippon Keidanren, Yonekura Hiromasa, said, “It is amazing that nuclear plants could withstand such a devastating tsunami, which occurs once in a thousand years.

Reported by a Hokkaido local daily on March 17, Yonekura went on to say, “The government should be proud of its nuclear safety administration.”

According to the Hokkaido Shimbun, Yonekura made this remark on March 16 in Tokyo in response to reporters asking him to comment on the ongoing nuclear crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant which may turn into the world’s worst nuclear disaster.

It also reported that Yonekura said, “The crisis is winding down. I don’t think the present administration of nuclear energy needs to change its course.”

TEPCO president Shimizu Masataka is the vice chairman of Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation).
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