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HOME  > 2010 May 26 - June 1
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2010 May 26 - June 1 [WELFARE]

Court rejects claim to reinstate additional benefits for elderly

May 28, 2010
The Tokyo High Court on May 27 upheld the Tokyo District Court decision that the abolition of additional benefits for the elderly in the livelihood protection program is constitutional.

It was the first high court decision reached among similar lawsuits filed by the elderly at four district courts and three high courts across Japan.

Welfare assistance recipients aged 70 and over used to receive the additional benefits. The former government in 2006 decided to stop this additional payment.

Later on the same day at a news conference, plaintiff Yokoi Kunio, 81, said, “Although the Hatoyama government restored the additional payment of welfare benefits to single-mother families living on welfare assistance, it made no mention of the same system for the elderly. The government policy is inconsistent. Isn’t it the government’s task to protect the level of people’s living conditions?”
- Akahata, May 28, 2010
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