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HOME  > 2011 April 13 - 19
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2011 April 13 - 19 [LABOR]

Top court recognizes musician as ‘worker’

April 13, 2011
The Supreme Court on April 12 recognized a female opera singer having a contract with the New National Theatre Foundation (NNTF) as a worker specified by the Labor Union Law, and sent the case back to the Tokyo High Court.

The plaintiff is Yaegashi Setsuko, a member of the Musicians Union of Japan.

Yaegashi was under a one-year contract with the NNTF for to perform as a choir member in operas at the New National Theatre, Tokyo.

When the NNTF refused to renew her contract in July 2003, Yaegashi and her union requested the NNTF to negotiate with them. However, the NNTF rejected their request.

Yaegashi and her union decided to take the case into court in March 2005 to demand that the NNTF negotiate with them regarding the renewal of her contract.
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