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2011 May 25 - 31 TOP3 [WORLD]

editorial  G8 summit should not intervene in democratization in Middle East

May 29, 2011
Editorial (excerpts)

The G8 Summit held in Deauville, France, showed strong interest in the Middle East and North Africa, the most turbulent region in the world at present, and clearly expressed its support to the democratization of this region.

At a time when the uprising for democratization is rapidly spreading from Tunisia and Egypt to throughout the Middle East, it is significant for other countries to promote their support to these nations. The G8’s move, however, illustrates its intention to maintain U.S. and European influence in the region. Their intervention has led to increased confusion in the Middle Eastern region. Increasing their intervention brings added difficulties in the process of pressing for democratization.

The declaration adopted by the summit meeting demands “the immediate cessation of the use of force against civilians by the Libyan regime forces.” However, the U.S., the U.K., and France have increased military operations against the regime and openly call on Qadhafi to resign. Regardless of what kind of regimes they are, to force them to resign with the use of foreign military power goes against the spirit of the U.N. Charter as well as repeats the tragic mistakes made in the war against Iraq.

The G8 Summit established the “Dauville Partnership” in support of nations which are undergoing a process of democratization. While its main idea is to provide them with economic support through international institutions, it tries to impose U.S. and European styles of politics and economy under the name of “freedom and democracy.”

What kind of political and economic system a country will introduce itself is directly linked to its sovereignty. It should not be imposed through foreign intervention.

Regarding the Palestine issue, the summit resolution called for establishment of a Palestine state and its coexistence with Israel. However, it stopped short of making concrete proposals for solving the Israeli settlement issue in the occupied Palestinian territories, which is the largest obstacle in the peace negotiations.

The declaration described the U.S. forces’ killing of Osama bin Laden as “a significant step in the fight against international terrorism.” The killing goes against the internationally-established principle of bringing criminals to justice and runs counter to the effort to eradicate terrorism. On this issue too, the declaration shows its military-first stance.
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