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HOME  > 2011 August 3 - 16
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2011 August 3 - 16 TOP3 [JCP]

JCP proposes 4 points needed to protect children and general public from radioactive contamination

August 12, 2011
Japanese Communist Party on August 11 issued a proposal to minimize radiation exposure of the general public, children in particular, from radioactive contamination being caused by the ongoing Fukushima nuclear power plant crisis.

At a news conference regarding the proposal held in the Diet building, JCP Chair Shii Kazuo said that although current science and technology are insufficient to detoxify radioactive substances, it is possible for the government to reduce people’s level of radiation exposure by keeping radioactive substances as far away from living environments as possible.

Shii also said, “To prevent children and the rest of the population from sustaining serious health damages from radioactive contamination is a national challenge which requires swift action and continuity. The government should make genuine efforts to properly meet the challenge.”

The JCP proposal calls on the government to systematically conduct surveys in order to get information about the actual situation concerning radioactive contamination; to urgently carry out radiation decontamination procedures commensurate with the extent of contamination; to drastically strengthen financial support to those who have been or will be forced to evacuate from their places of residence; to provide to relevant residents healthcare services such as regular health checkups for radiation exposure, including internal exposure.

Explaining the proposal, Shii stressed the need to establish a special organization, consisting of experts and private corporations, for promoting the survey and decontamination, and to urgently create a new law in response to the large-scale and long-term decontamination procedures.
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