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HOME  > 2011 September 21 - 27
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2011 September 21 - 27 [NUCLEAR CRISIS]

Noda at UN declares promotion of nuclear power generation

September 23, 2011
Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko in his speech at the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Nuclear Safety and Security on September 22 articulated his position to continue using nuclear power, stating, “Japan is determined to increase the safety of nuclear power generation to the highest level in the world.”

This remark totally goes against public opinion calling for the abolition or reduction of nuclear power generation and reveals his intent to meet the demand of power companies urging the government to reopen nuclear power plants (NPPs) as well as the demand of NPP-related manufacturers desiring to export nuclear reactors abroad.

In the address, Noda claimed that the tsunami caused the Fukushima nuclear accident. He said, “[W]e were over confident in regard to our preparation for tsunamis.”

Regarding the present situation of the crippled nuclear power station, the prime minister reported, “The most recent estimates indicate that the amount of radioactive materials being discharged is now being held down to a level one-four millionth of the level at the early stage of the accident.” He expressed his expectation that the government will achieve cold shutdown of the reactors before the end of the year.

He said, “Japan will send out to the whole world the lessons learned through this accident,” adding that the government plans to establish a “Nuclear Safety and Security Agency” in April 2012.

In the meantime, Noda showed his position of sticking to the use of nuclear power by saying, “Full-fledged inspections to be conducted […] should be a most urgent task ahead of us.”

Furthermore, with NPP exports to emerging countries in mind, Noda said, “Japan stands ready to respond to the interest of countries seeking to use nuclear power generation,” and emphasized the policy of improving nuclear safety.
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