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HOME  > 2010 May 5 - 11
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2010 May 5 - 11 [JCP]

Japan-U.S. relations in the 21st Century: Shii speaks before U.S. lawyers

May 9, 2010
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo said that true friendship between Japan and the United States will be possible only when based on an equal footing by putting an end to the Japan-U.S Security Treaty.

Shii gave a speech at a meeting in Washington, D.C. which was organized by the National Lawyers Guild.

He pointed to the fact that the relations between the two countries is far from that of an “equal partnership”, even 65 years after the end of World War II, as shown in the ongoing U.S. military bases issue.

The JCP’s position for true independence from the U.S. to realize Japan-U.S. relations of equality and friendship is in common with the spirit of the American Revolution for independence from England. Shii expressed his belief that Japan-U.S. relations in the 21st Century should be based on such a course.
- Akahata, May 9, 2010

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