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HOME  > 2010 May 5 - 11
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2010 May 5 - 11 [US FORCES]

5,000 Kagoshima residents oppose U.S. base ‘relocation’ to Tokunoshima

May 9, 2010
On May 8, about 5,000 people of Kagoshima assembled at a park in Kagoshima City to protest against the government plan to relocate some functions of the U.S. Futenma base in Okinawa to Tokunoshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture.

The rally was called by all political parties, except the Democratic Party of Japan and the Social Democratic Party, and independent members in the prefectural assembly.

Kagoshima Governor Ito Yuichiro and Tokunoshima’s three town mayors, who on the previous day told Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio that they reject his proposal to transfer part of elements of the Futenma base to Tokunoshima, attended the rally.

Japan Agricultural Cooperatives Kagoshima President Kawaida Koichi on behalf of the rally organizers said, “Together with Tokunoshima residents, we have to fight against the government plan.”

Ko Chieko, a delegate of a citizen’s group of Tokunoshima, said, “In solidarity with Okinawans, let’s increase our movements to make the U.S. forces go back to the U.S. without moving them to somewhere within Japan.”

A 49-year-old woman stated, “Is a U.S. base really necessary? Now is not a time for Japan to host U.S. bases. The reason for terrorist attacks is poverty and discrimination. We can learn from Afghanistan about the fact that it is impossible to eliminate terrorism through a war. It is meaningless to build military bases all over the world.”

After the rally, participants marched in demonstration through the city chanting slogans against the relocation of the Futenma base to Tokunoshima.
- Akahata, May 9, 2010
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