2011 November 16 - 22 [
TPP lies in background to lifting of ban on on-call temps and manufacturing temps
As was expected, the TPP is lying in the background to the Democratic Party of Japan having given in to pressure to lift the ban on the use of on-call temporary workers and on sending contingent workers to manufacturers.
The DPJ has recently agreed with the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties to eliminate the ban from a bill on the amendment to the Worker Dispatch Law.
In the TPP talks, opening up the labor market will be an important issue. The United States is expected to press Japan to allow U.S. capital to enter into the Japanese financial, insurance, and medical sectors through bilateral consultations before joining the multinational talks on the TPP.
The possible removal of the ban indicates the Noda Cabinet’s intent of responding fully to this demand.
Since the Japan-U.S. Investment Initiative 2006 Report, the United States has requested that Japan adopt a white-collar exemption system to abolish Japan’s legal restrictions on working hours and ease legal regulations on temporary staffing service business.