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HOME  > 2011 November 23 - 29
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2011 November 23 - 29 [JCP]

Shii talks with outgoing Vietnam ambassador

November 26, 2011
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on November 25 received outgoing Vietnam Ambassador to Japan Nguyen Phu Binh at the JCP head office and thanked him for his work during his four year assignment in Japan.

The ambassador welcomed the steady development of relations during his term of office in Tokyo between the two governments, the peoples of Japan and Vietnam, and the Communist Party of Vietnam and the JCP, and thanked Shii for JCP cooperation. He also talked about the significance of CPV-JCP theoretical exchange meetings.

Shii said that he is also delighted to see that the JCP-CPV ties, started at the time of the Vietnamese anti-U.S. war for liberation, have become closer through the four theoretical exchange meetings in recent years and through mutual cooperation in working for peace in Asia and the rest of the world, in particular calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

The ambassador said that he will convey Shii’s greetings and the JCP’s message of friendship towards Vietnam to CPV General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other CPV leaders.

Shii expressed his expectations that the Doi Moi policy will be successful by saying that Vietnam indomitably fought against imperialism in the past and that the CPV sees theoretical development as important.

The two talked about various other topics, including the cultures of Japan and Vietnam, bilateral economic relations, and the global economic crisis.

* * *

Japanese Communist Party Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo on November 25 attended a farewell reception for Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan Nguyen Phu Binh held at the Vietnam Embassy in Tokyo.
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