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2009 June 3 - 9 [JCP]

JCP Central Committee holds its 8th Plenum

June 6, 2009
The Japanese Communist Party Central Committee Secretariat issued the following communiqué on June 5 after the 8th Central Committee Plenum:

The Japanese Communist Party Central Committee held its 8th Plenum on June 4-5 at the JCP head office to prepare the party to achieve an advance in the upcoming House of Representatives general election.

JCP Chair Shii Kazuo gave the report on behalf of the JCP Executive Committee regarding the party’s political strategy and action plans in preparation for the general election. Stressing that the upcoming general election will be an historic political battle that has important bearings on the course to be followed by Japan in the 21st century, he stated the importance of struggling for two major objectives.

One is to struggle for an economy governed by rules that will defend the livelihoods and rights of the Japanese people. To this end, it is necessary to break away from the present policy of giving priority to the interest of the financial circles and large corporations.

The other is to struggle to shift Japan’s diplomacy to one of sovereign independence that will contribute to peace in Asia and the world under the guidance of Article 9 of the Constitution. This calls for Japan to give up the present position of regarding the “military alliance” as paramount.

Expounding on the “two major objectives”, he touched on the importance of illustrating the party views on the political principles for facing up to the economic crisis and an economy governed by rules. He also explained the changes taking place under the U.S. Obama administration, in particular with regard to the JCP response to the Obama administration and reactions to it, and to North Korea’s nuclear test.

The report also stated how party members should explain to the public the overall picture of the JCP’s valuable role in the context of the general development of the political situation, citing the following four points:

(1) The JCP is a party that can influence through its activism policy changes in regard to the financial circles and large corporations as well as on the United States;
(2) The JCP is a party that is creating a path toward the future in cooperation with various grass-roots struggles;
(3) The JCP challenges the so-called “two major parties” which are engaged in the dangerous competition for undemocratic policies; and
(4) The JCP is a party that has a clear vision regarding a future society that will overcome capitalism.

On JCP campaign policy for the House of Representatives general election and the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, Shii called for a an increase in activities in preparation for the general election with specific target numbers to be achieved by July 3, the day of the official start of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, in particular in the effort to reach out to voters and ask them to support the JCP as well as in the “United Efforts” to explain the JCP Program and explain the party view on the future as well as the effort to expand party ranks.

Shii said that the key to a major advance depends on the full participation of party branches and members in these activities, making the following three points in this regard:

(1) Confidence in the present development of the political situation and the valuable role the JCP is playing in it;
(2) Improving the ability to “listen” to the public;
(3) Establish leadership in all levels of party bodies by making use of all possible resources.

On the first day of the Plenum, Director of Social Science Institute Fuwa Tetsuzo (standing member of the Executive Committee) reported on the theoretical exchanges he held on April 20-24 with the Communist Party of China.

During the discussion on the Executive Committee report, 37 members spoke.

Following the discussions, Shii gave the concluding remarks. He emphasized that the “two major objectives” which he presented in his report, can be “national objectives”. He also said that, in the upcoming general election, which is going to be held under the undemocratic move calling for a “two-party system”, it is important to make the JCP’s valuable role known to the public along with the “two objectives” that offer a path of progressive politics in the 21st century. He added that it is important is to make efforts to explain to the public that a JCP advance can serve as the most effective catalyst for change because the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party of Japan are competing with each other where their undemocratic policies overlap, and that this is the biggest danger in Japanese politics.

Shii explained the importance of achieving the goal in the number of voters pledging to vote for the JCP by July 3. He referred to such issues as a support campaign for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election from throughout Japan, complete implementation of the 8th Plenum decision as quickly as possible, activities of workplace branches which are a vital component for the entire party to stand up, and the further strengthening of the drive to collect donations for the JCP campaign.

In the end, he called on the entire party to make every effort, arguing that a JCP victory in the general election is a responsibility the JCP assumes for the people and history.

The Plenum unanimously adopted the report and concluding remarks, and was adjourned after expressing commitment to achieving a JCP victory with all the Central Committee members and candidates in the forefront of the struggle.
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