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HOME  > 2010 April 14 - 20
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2010 April 14 - 20 TOP3 [JCP]

JCP has representatives in 79.6 % of local assemblies

April 14, 2010
“Our representatives at local assemblies throughout Japan are a major force for us to achieve advances in the House of Councilors election,” said Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo at a party meeting on April 13, and provided revealing statistics showing the JCP’s distinguished presence in local assemblies.

The JCP has received a total of 5.98 million votes in local assembly elections in the last four years. The JCP’s share in all local assembly seats has increased from 7.1 to 8.12 percent in the last 10 years. The party has 3,026 local assembly members, about the same as the Liberal Democratic Party (3,048).

The JCP has representatives in 79.6 percent of all local assemblies throughout the country, followed by Komei (65.4 percent), the Democratic Party of Japan (27.7 percent), and the LDP (20.6 percent). It has a right to propose bills in 47.1 percent of all assemblies, the highest percentage among all parties.

“Being connected with residents day and night, working hard to ease their hardships and receiving their trust, our local representatives are our great and indispensable assets.” Shii stressed and called for this strength to be fully exercised for a party advance in the upcoming election.
- Akahata, April 14, 2010
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