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HOME  > 2009 May 20 - 26
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2009 May 20 - 26 [ANTI-N-ARMS]

Organizing Committee calls for major success at this year’s World Conference against A and H Bombs

May 26, 2009
In its regular general meeting on May 25 in Tokyo, the Organizing Committee of the World Conference against A and H Bombs adopted an appeal calling for a great success for the 2009 World Conference against A and H Bombs in early August in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The appeal called for accelerating the signature collection drive for a “Nuclear Weapons-Free World toward the 2010 NPT Review Conference,” attracting more participants in the People’s Great March for Peace in process, and boosting participation in the World Conference.

A special appeal was adopted urging the government to swiftly accept hibakusha’s urgent call in concerted lawsuits for atomic-bomb survivors to be officially recognized as suffering from A-bomb diseases.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee directors, Sato Mitsuo of the Japan Peace Committee referred to the recent situation concerning nuclear weapons abolition and the tasks of this year’s World Conference.

Tsuchida Yayoi, Gensuikyo vice secretary general, reported that Gensuikyo sent invitation cards to representatives of governments and NGOs around the world.

A participant reported that the on-going Peace March has attracted more people than last year.

The appeal emphasized that voices are increasing across the world toward the imminent call of nuclear weapons abolition, in quick response to U.S. President Barack Obama’s statement regarding America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.

In conjunction with this statement, the appeal calls for making a drastic increase in the movement to collect at least 12 million signatures for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World to ensure a historical success in the coming World Conference.
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