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HOME  > 2009 May 13 - 19
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2009 May 13 - 19 [LABOR]

Fixed-term contract workers at Nagahama Canon launch their own union and demand full-time positions

May 19, 2009
Demanding that the company offer them full-time positions and pay decent wages, fixed-term contract workers at Nagahama Canon Inc. plant in Shiga Prefecture formed their own union represented by the Shiga Prefectural General Workers’ Union.

The maximum length of contract term for fixed-term workers is 35 months, making workers uncertain about their future. Moreover, because of daily wages, fixed-term contract workers earned only 60,000-70,000 yen in May due to the Golden Week holidays lay-off period.

Although fixed-term contract workers can take a test for promotion to full-time positions, the criteria for selection is unclear and the test results remain undisclosed.

Even if fixed-term contract workers are successfully promoted to full-time positions, their wages will be much lower than those who are employed as full-time workers from the beginning, and their annual income is only 2 million yen.

The Shiga Prefectural General Workers’ Union Nagahama Canon Branch requested that the company sit at a negotiating table with the union.

The Shiga Prefectural General Workers’ Union is also affiliated with independent contract workers at Nagahama Canon, who are fighting against the company’s arbitrary dismissals and demanding direct employment.
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