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2009 April 22 - 28 [JCP]

JCP May Day slogans published

April 28, 2009
The Japanese Communist Party published its slogans for the 80th May Day in the April 28 issue of Akahata:

For better working conditions
- Stop the layoffs of contingent workers as if they were ‘disposables’!
- Stop long-working-hours, unpaid overtime work, and wage cuts!
- Force large corporations to fulfill their social responsibility for full employment and minimum labor conditions of workers!
- Support living conditions of the jobless!
- Fully revise the Worker Dispatch Law to ensure decent living conditions for workers!
- Establish the national minimum wage system as well as ensure at least 1,000 yen an hour!
- End wage disparity between men and women!

On economic policies
- Change Japan’s economic policy from one of depending on exports to one driven by domestic demand!
- Use tax money to assist the household economy instead of major corporations!
- Establish an economy governed by rules!
- Let us protect small- and medium-sized businesses and promote the development of regional economies!
- Cut military expenditures and use more tax money to improve welfare services!
- Foil large-scale consumption tax rate hike! Make food consumption tax-exempt!

On social services
- Change policy to increase expenditures for social welfare services!
- Abolish medical insurance system that discriminates against the elderly 75 and older!
- Ease shortages of doctors, nurses, and nursing care workers and provide safe and friendly medical and nursing care services!
- Establish a minimum pension benefit system!
- Maintain public child-care system so that there are no babies on the waiting lists for childcare centers!
- Reduce school fees, the highest in the world!
- Limit public school class size to30 students per teacher!

On food and environment
- Rebuild Japan’s agriculture and fisheries!
- Increase Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate and ensure food safety!
- Make people/environment-friendly society!
- Take urgent measures against global warming and preserve world environment!

On peace and diplomacy
- No to revising war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution that will remake Japan as “war-capable nation”!
- Establish quality of life where constitutional principles are fully embodied!
- Repel anachronistic view glorifying the war of aggression and colonial rule of Japan!
- Prioritize diplomatic efforts for Japan’s self-reliance and work for world peace!

On nuclear weapons
- Take urgent and concrete measures for nuclear weapons abolition!
- Government must recognize hibakusha illnesses as radiation-caused!

On Japan-U.S. military alliance
- Scrap the plan to realign U.S. military bases in Japan!
- Don’t pay for U.S. Marine Corps ‘relocation’ from Okinawa to Guam!
- Foil ‘anti-pirate’ bill that will perpetuate Self-Defense Forces dispatches abroad!
- Abolish the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty!

On politics
- Nothing can be gained from power-shift between two major parties!
- Eliminate money-ridden politics distorting democracy in Japan!
- Eliminate plutocratic and corrupt politics!
- Ban fund donations by corporations!
- End paying unconstitutional public subsidies to political parties!
- Eliminate poverty and social gaps! Build a Japan that stands for peace!
- Let’s ensure that the Japanese Communist Party can achieve its advance in and out the Diet so that it will be the new flag bearer for a truly democratic Japan!
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