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HOME  > 2009 April 15 - 21
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2009 April 15 - 21 [TOKYO]

Tokyo’s plan to host Olympics does not meet its value

April 16, 2009
The “Assembly against Tokyo’s Bid to Host the 2016 Olympic Games” was held in Tokyo on April 14. In the keynote speech, New Japan Sports Federation Chair Wajiki Akio stated:

The Olympic Games are intended to contribute to world peace, foster friendship, and give people hope for a bright future. In addition to being a sports festival that attracts young people from around the world, it is also the world’s largest movement for education and for peace, which corresponds to the global efforts through sports to realize peace, democracy, and human rights.

The number of countries and regions taking part in the Olympic Games has been increasing since the end of WW II, reflecting the upsurge of the movement in African, Asian, and Latin American countries to achieve independence and win the right to self-determination. Increasing women’s participation and their active role in the games are contributing to improving women’s rights. The Olympics Charter recognizes sport as a human right and calls for individuals’ opportunity to participate in sports to be guaranteed.

There are problems that need to be solved regarding the prevalence of commercialism that compromises the ideals of the Olympics, the prevention of misuse of drugs, and the need to make the Olympic events as simple as possible.

If the Tokyo Metropolitan Government can show the ideal vision for the Olympics reflecting the public’s voices, sports organizations will be willing to support it. However, that is not the case with Tokyo’s bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games.

The Olympics in the 21st century must not be used for the purpose of promoting large development projects. The Olympics should be consistent with the well-being of all in a sustainable and harmonious corxistence with nature. However, Tokyo’s plan goes against this idea. If hosting the Olympic Games is motivated by the promotion of large development, this contradicts the very concept of world harmony.

Governor Ishihara has neglected residents demands for more opportunities to engage in sports. His administration has cut 70 percent of its sports-related budgets.

Tokyo ranks 46th among all 47 prefectures in the number of public sports facilities per capita. Its basic plan to promote sports does not even mention the construction of sport facilities for residents. Such a government is not qualified to host the Olympic Games.

A city which hosts the Olympic Games must fulfill its responsibility to try to realize the goals proposed in the Olympic principles. Tokyo’s plan is totally inappropriate in this regards.
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