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HOME  > 2010 March 31 - April 6
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2010 March 31 - April 6 [FOREIGN POLICY]

Government admits secret nuclear agreement

April 1, 2010
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on March 31 at the Diet Building held a news conference in regard to the government reply to his written questions regarding Japan-U.S. secret pacts on nuclear weapons.

In regard to the first question whether the government recognizes that the “Record of Discussion” dated on January 6, 1960 is an official document agreed upon between Japan and United States, the government replied that the two governments agree to produce the document while they decided not to publicize its existence. Up until now, the government refused to even admit that the “Record of Discussion” was a secret nuclear agreement.

Shii said, “This government reply is the government acknowledgement that the “Record of Discussion” is a Japan-U.S. secret agreement regarding nuclear weapons.”

In response to the second question whether the government admits to the possibility that U.S. nuclear-capable atomic-powered submarines entered Japanese ports after 1994, the government evasively stated that at this time, it considers that U.S. warships carrying nuclear weapons do not visit any Japanese port.

Shii pointed out the importance of abolishing the secret nuclear agreement by stating, “To achieve a world without nuclear weapons is a major issue in international politics. Japan must earn the reputation as nuclear-free nation both in name and in reality and take the initiative as the only A-bombed nation.”
- Akahata, April 1, 2010
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