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HOME  > 2012 April 25 - May 8
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2012 April 25 - May 8 [ARTS AND SPORTS]

Ichida will work to increase more budgets for culture programs

April 27, 2012
A Dietmembers’ league, of which Japanese Communist Party Ichida Tadayoshi (House of Councilors) serves as vice-chair, has decided to work to create a new law to support and revitalize theaters and concert halls.

Cross-party lawmakers in both chambers of the Diet who are involved in the league met together on April 26 in the Diet Building and resolved to make efforts to bring about an increase in culture-related budgets.

Along with the league’s members, film directors, musicians, and representatives of culture-related organizations as well as Nomura Man, a living national treasure of “Kyogen” plays, took part in the meeting.

Referring to shrinking budget allocations for cultural facilities and the recent wave of theater closures, JCP Ichida at the meeting said, “The government should do something to stop this decrease in support for cultural programs. It’s important to respect and support the independence of cultural and artistic activities. So, the need is for the government to support these activities without causing further difficulties.”

Maki Asami, director of the New National Theatre Ballet School, said, “We need to train performers and stage engineers,” requesting that the government provide support for developing talents to plan and produce dance performances.
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