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HOME  > 2012 June 20 - 26
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2012 June 20 - 26 [POLITICS]

Diet session extended to deal with tax hike bill

June 22, 2012
The House of Representatives plenary session on June 21 approved the extension of the Diet session for another 79 days until September 8 as proposed by the ruling Democratic Party of Japan.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo strongly protested the use of majority power to force through the DPJ-proposed longer Diet session with the aim “to push through a bill to increase the consumption tax at any cost.”

At a press conference in the Diet Building, the JCP chair told reporters that the DPJ, Liberal Democratic Party, and Komei working together to steamroll a tax hike and reform of the social services system through the Diet.

Shii pointed out that 50-60% of the public are expressing opposition to a higher tax rate in opinion polls, and stated, “To railroad through a tax increase is contrary to not only the public sentiment but also contradicts the DPJ’s public promise not to do so.”

“Dietmembers received the document specifying the contents of the bill to promote reform of the social services system just today. We haven’t discussed it at all,” he said.

The JCP head stated, “A vote on that bill infringes on parliamentary democracy” and expressed his determination to make an all-out effort to scrap the bills.”

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