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HOME  > 2008 November 12 - 18
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2008 November 12 - 18 [LABOR]

Day of action held calling for getting rid of worsening living conditions

November 14, 2008
About 5,500 workers, farmers, traders, and pensioners holding placards reading, “Give us jobs!” and “We’re angry” took part in a rally that was held as part of a day of action calling for the eradication of poverty and implementation of job security.

An organizing committee that included the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren), the National Federation of Traders and Producers Organizations, and the National Federation of Farmers Movement sponsored the event.

Speaking on behalf of the organizing committee, Zenroren President Daikoku Sakuji said, “We will develop a nationwide struggle to end adverse government policies so that we can defend people’s peace and well-being.” He called for a change in the direction of government policies through the next House of Representatives general election.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo gave a speech in solidarity with the participants. Ebina Kayoko, an essayist, also spoke.

Participants also visited government ministries.

In front of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, about 600 taxi drivers, who are member of the All Japan Automobile Transport Workers’ Union (Jikosoren), staged a protest urging the ministry to take measures to reduce the number of cabs to end an oversupply. Participants appealed to the public by holding signs reading, “Decrease cabs.”

Regarding the current situation of the taxicab industry since the deregulation policy was enforced six years ago, Jikosoren Chair Iinuma Hiroshi said, “It is the worst because the safety and security of public transport is ruined. We urge the government to fundamentally review the policy in order to secure passengers’ safety and security.”
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