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HOME  > 2008 November 12 - 18
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2008 November 12 - 18 [LABOR]

Rally held to start joint action calling for drastic revision of the Worker Dispatch Law

November 14, 2008
About 200 people on November 13 attended the rally held in Tokyo to start a joint action demanding a drastic revision of the Worker Dispatch Law and opposing the use of temporary workers as a disposable workforce.

Academics and lawyers including Utsunomiya Kenji, a representative of the Anti-poverty Network, initiated the joint action that will involve the broad participation of workers.

In the rally, Utsunomiya said, “We must not tolerate the sacking of temporary workers. We should do everything possible to get the Worker Dispatch Law revised to prohibit the use of temporary workers registered at staffing agencies and require companies to give temporary workers equal treatment as full-time workers.

A temporary worker said, “I suddenly got my contract canceled after working for 13 years at a warehouse.”

Speakers at the rally included Dietmembers from the Japanese Communist, Social Democratic, and People’s New parties and a representative of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations.

As part of the joint action, a rally demanding a drastic revision of the Worker Dispatch Law will be held on December 4 at Hibiya Amphitheater in central Tokyo.
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