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HOME  > 2012 August 22 - 28
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2012 August 22 - 28 [ECONOMY]

Weekly action against TPP starts in front of PM’s office

August 22, 2012
“The prime minister should reconsider his policy to enter the TPP agreement!” On the evening of August 21, over 300 people gathered in front of the prime minister’s office, demanding Japan’s withdrawal from the free trade negotiations.

This is the first action called for by citizens’ groups opposing Japan’s entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) pact. Organizers are planning to hold this action on every Tuesday evening in front of the office, urging the Noda Administration to give up its intent to take part in the agreement.

Uchida Seiko, one of the organizers, called out to the participants, “Let’s pressure lawmakers who are in favor of the pact or those who are still uncommitted. And let’s say to them clearly, ‘We will not support you in the next elections’.”

Holding placards or paper fans, one of which reads “TPP does nothing but harm”, the demonstrators chanted, “We don’t need TPP! It will destroy our life!”

Yoshimura Masamitsu, a member of an agricultural cooperative, flew from Fukuoka to attend the rally. “The TPP agreement will affect a wide range of industries including agriculture. I will work to enhance cooperation among the public against the pact,” said Yoshimura.

Japanese Communist Party House of Councilors members Kami Tomoko and Tamura Tomoko also participated in the action. They encouraged the protesters, saying, “Let’s work together until the government abandons its attempt to enter the TPP agreement.”
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