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HOME  > 2012 September 19 - 25
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2012 September 19 - 25 [JCP]

Video streaming website features JCP on live program

September 21&22, 2012
A 5-hour live video broadcast featuring the Japanese Communist Party at one of Japan’s well-known video streaming websites attracted 85,000 viewers and received about 109,000 comments.

The video site, Niko Niko Douga, on September 20 broadcasted the live video entitled, “Let’s expose everything about the JCP.” The video used first 2 hours of the broadcast to introduce Akahata and activities of the JCP Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly members’ group.

In the first part of the program, political journalist Kakutani Koichi visited the Akahata editorial office, interviewed Director Kogiso Yoji and other Akahata members, and recorded their editing activities.

In the next part, a live broadcast from the JCP’s office in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, JCP assemblypersons stated that their petition based on radiation measuring results after the Fukushima nuclear accident succeeded in moving the Tokyo government to conduct decontamination work at a Tokyo-owned park. They also presented their struggle in cooperation with Tokyo citizens against Tokyo’s manga restrictions. This struggle obtained many favorable comments, saying, “JCP works hard!” and “What a trustworthy party!”

The rest of the program streamed dialogues between Kakutani and JCP Chair Shii Kazuo and Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi at the JCP head office.

Asked by Kakutani, Shii explained about the party history, its stance to protect the Constitution, and its approach to the Senkaku issue. When Shii talked about how to resolve the Senkaku problem, many site viewers posted supportive comments like “The JCP should become the ruling party.”

Kakutani questioned Ichida about the JCP’s view on the “Ishin-no-Kai” led by Osaka City Mayor Hashimoto Toru. Ichida replied that the media describe the party as totally different from other mainstream political parties such as the Democratic, Liberal Democratic, and Komei parties, but the party’s goal has a lot in common with them as it seeks to revise the Constitution, promote free trade, and increase the consumption tax rate.

In the program, all JCP Lower House members described their Diet activities, and Policy Commission Chair Koike Akira explained the JCP economic policy proposals and answered questions from viewers.
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