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HOME  > 2012 October 10 - 16
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2012 October 10 - 16 [TERRITORIAL ISSUE]

Japan should reflect on its colonial rule to solve territorial dispute: Shii

October 16, 2012
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo said that it is essential for the Japanese government to show remorse for its past colonial rule over other Asian countries in dealing with the territorial disputes, including the Takeshima Islands.

Japan and South Korea claim the Takeshima Islands (Korean name “Dokdo”) in the Sea of Japan, which are currently controlled by South Korea.

At the JCP Central Committee Plenum on October 14, Shii said, “The JCP has announced the view that the Takeshima Islands are Japanese territory under international law.”

On the other hand, the chair mentioned that the Imperial Japanese government incorporated the islands into the nation in 1905 in the process of colonizing the Korean Peninsula. He pointed out that the then Korean government was unable to protest against Japan over the incorporation because its diplomatic rights were negated by Japan.

Looking back on the historical context, Shii stated that to solve the issue it is indispensable for the Japanese government to express deep regret and atone for its past colonial control of Korea. He raised 2 things the Japanese administration should do: to admit that Japan’s annexation of Korea in 1910 was illegal and unfair: and to apologize and compensate for a variety of its war-criminal acts including the use of the so-called “comfort women”.

The chair proposed that on the basis of Japan’s sincere remorse, the 2 countries should initiate a joint research project to discuss historical facts in order to open the way for a negotiated settlement of the dispute.
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