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HOME  > 2008 July 30 - August 19
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2008 July 30 - August 19 [ANTI-N-ARMS]

2008 World Conference sets out for new campaign for a nuclear-free world

August 10, 2008
The 2008 World Conference against A & H Bombs – Nagasaki, held on August 9, as Nagasaki marked the 63rd anniversary of the atomic bombing, adopted a “Letter from Nagasaki to the Peoples of the World” calling on the international community to increase the joint effort to achieve a nuclear-free world.

The event concluded all the World Conference events that started on August 2 at the International Meeting in Hiroshima.

Japanese participants and overseas delegates to the World Conference shared the determination to carry out the new international signature campaign proposed during the World Conference “For a Nuclear-Free World,” a joint action to be developed in the next 20 months up to the 2010 NPT Review Conference to urge nuclear-weapons states to implement the “unequivocal undertaking” to eliminate their nuclear arsenals.

Participants observed a minute of silence for A-bomb victims at 11:02 a.m., the time when the A-bomb detonated on August 9, 1945.

Taniguchi Sumiteru, Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivors Council chair, said in his speech, “We became Hibakusha because of the war started by Japan. The government should compensate for our sufferings without fail, and let me be the last Hibakusha.”

A message from Yamaguchi Senji, Japan Confederation of A and H Bombs Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) representative director, was read. He said, “I have been able to live to this day because I have been with the movement against A & H Bombs. I hope young people will further develop our movement.”

“I really want to see a nuclear-free world before I die. Let us use our power to isolate nuclear weapon states,” Yamaguchi added.

Nagasaki’s high school students spoke about their activities collecting 10,000 signatures in support of the abolition of nuclear weapons.
- Akahata, August 10, 2008

Toward the 2010 NPT Review Conference
Appeal for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World

Even now, in the 21st Century, world peace and security are still threatened by 26,000 nuclear weapons.

As the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki show us, nuclear weapons instantly destroy countless lives, torment people in future generations, and ruin civilizations.

The Hibakusha, the A-bomb survivors, continue to warn that humanity cannot coexist with nuclear weapons. Never again should we create more victims of nuclear weapons.

For the survival of the human race and for the future of our children, let us achieve a world free of nuclear weapons through our actions in solidarity.

Towards the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, the nuclear weapons states are called to honor the “unequivocal undertaking” of May 2000 to eliminate their nuclear weapons.

We call on the nuclear weapons states and all other governments to agree to commence and conclude negotiations of a treaty, a nuclear weapons convention, to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons immediately.



This Appeal is issued on August 6, 2008, by the representatives of the peace drive is under way worldwide, and the petitions will be presented to the next NPT movement assembled in Hiroshima from around the world. The signature Review Conference to be held in spring 2010 in New York.
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