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HOME  > 2012 October 17 - 23
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2012 October 17 - 23 [WELFARE]

People with disabilities unavoidably dependent on their parents

October 20, 2012
Many people with disabilities are forced to be dependent on their parents, a latest survey showed.

The survey was conducted by Kyosaren, a national federation of small-sized workshops for persons with disabilities. Around 10,000 users of these facilities (40.4 years old of age on average) responded.

According to the survey results, more than half (5,637 or 56.7%) of the respondents answered that they live “with parent(s)”, 762 (7.7%) said “on his/her own”, and only 427 (4.3%) “with his/her spouse”.

Regarding their financial situation, 56.1% of them have incomes of less than one million yen a year and only 1% has an income of over two million yen. These amounts include pensions, subsidies for the disabled, welfare benefits, and salaries.

Kyosaren Executive Director Ono Hiroshi commenting on the results said, “People with disabilities rarely have an opportunity to be financially independent because of their low incomes.”

Kyosaren proposed the following measures to improve the situation: change the stipulation of the Civil Law Act that a person should take care of his/her close relatives: enforce the income security measures centering on the improvement of basic disability pensions: improve the local infrastructure to help the handicapped to live independently: and establish a system that provides both employment support and welfare services.
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