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HOME  > 2012 November 7 - 13
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2012 November 7 - 13 [JCP]

This week’s JCP activities

November 7, 2012
Shii talks with new Cuban ambassador

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on November 6 at the JCP head office talked with the new Cuban Ambassador to Japan Marcos F. Rodorigues Costa.

The ambassador conveyed a greeting from Cuban President Raul Castro and said that he has paid close attention to how a communist party works in a capitalist nation like Japan.

Shii extended a welcome to the new ambassador and said that he has observed Cuba’s struggle against the U.S. embargo for more than half a century and its efforts to develop relations with Latin American nations.

Shii also referred to the significance of the efforts that the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), of which Cuba will assume the chair next year, is making to settle disputes in Columbia peacefully.

Ambassador Costa expressed his gratitude to the JCP chair for offering sympathy regarding the tremendous damage caused by Hurricane Sandy and explained the government’s recovery efforts.

JCP Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo and Counsellor Andrez Gonzales Ballester at the Cuban Embassy in Tokyo also attended.

JCP Ogata meets with Azerbaijani ambassador

Japanese Communist Party Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo on November 6 met with Azerbaijani Ambassador Gursel Ismayilzada at the nation’s embassy in Toky.

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