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HOME  > 2012 November 21 - 27
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2012 November 21 - 27 TOP3 [JCP]

JCP issues general election policy

November 27, 2012

The Japanese Communist Party on November 27 published a 10-point proposal as its general election policy.

In a press conference held on the same day at the JCP head office, JCP Chair Shii Kazuo pointed out that the Democratic Party of Japan-led government has experienced policy failure because the party has shown its unwillingness to withdraw from the Liberal Democratic Party-style policies subservient to the U.S. and business circles.

Stating, “The 60-year-old LDP-style politics has reached an impasse and is no longer useful for the future of Japanese society. Now, we need a true political reform,” Shii said that the true focal point of the general election is to make a choice between JCP candidates and candidates who fit the shoes of the LDP.

Regarding the election platform, Shii explained that based on the past JCP proposals concerning the economy and nuclear power generation, the JCP clearly shows how to change Japan’s political direction to people-oriented policies.

In its election platform, the JCP offers the following 10 proposals:

- Overcome the deflationary recession and boost national income and domestic demand;
- Improve social welfare services and overcome financial crisis without relying on consumption tax revenues;
- Stop operations of nuclear power plants without delay;
- Oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade framework and expand economic relations which respect each nation’s sovereignty;
- Promote recovery from the 3.11 disaster and establish disaster-prevention measures focusing on protection of people’s lives and livelihoods;
- Solve school bullying problems, revise competition-oriented education policies, and oppose political control over education;
- Create equal Japan-U.S. relations through elimination of all U.S. bases in Japan and abrogation of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty;
- Solve territorial disputes through coolheaded diplomacy based on historical facts and international law;
- Change the current small-constituency system to one fairly reflecting public opinions and abolish the system of government subsidies to political parties;
- Block moves for constitutional revision and utilize the constitutional principles of peace, respect of human rights, and democracy in every field of government policies.

Shii expressed his determination to double the number of JCP seats in the Diet with voters’ support for these proposals.
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