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HOME  > 2007 November 28 - December 4
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2007 November 28 - December 4 [US FORCES]

U.S. Air Force and Marines conduct major joint exercises at Kadena base; local town protests

December 4, 2007
The U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps on December 3 began conducting major joint operational readiness exercises using the U.S. Kadena Air Force Base. About 30 FA-18 Hornet fighter jets based either at Kadena or at the U.S. Marine Corps Iwakuni Air Station along with about 600 marines took part in the exercises.

The joint exercises aimed at improving joint operation readiness in dealing with a war or a major contingency will last until December 7. FA-18s will continue training exercises at the Kadena base until December 12.

Nakamura Juichi, Japanese Communist Party assembly member of Chatan Town that hosts the Kadena base, said that FA-18 fighter jets are flying over the town all the time from early morning tormenting the residents with noise.

The Chatan Town Assembly on the same day unanimously adopted a resolution protesting against the use of so many fighter jets and sent it to U.S. ambassador to Japan and the commander of U.S. forces in Japan.

Citing recent problems posed by the Kadena base such as the forcible deployment of PAC-3 interceptor missiles, frequent early-morning and midnight take-offs, and parachute training exercises, the resolution stated, “The situation is far from ‘easing of base burdens.’ The current joint exercises will apparently lead to the strengthening of base functions and cannot be condoned.”

The resolution demands a drastic revision of the agreements on noise reduction.
- Akahata, December 4, 2007
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