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HOME  > 2007 September 26 - October 2
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2007 September 26 - October 2 [POLITICS]

Workers and citizens groups stage demonstrations around Diet

September 27, 2007
The National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren), the People’s Spring Struggle Joint Struggle Committee, and the Liaison Council of Zenroren Public Sector Federations on September 26 carried out a concerted action around the Diet in which about 700 workers took part.

Demanding abolition of the Anti-Terrorism Special Measures Law, a drastic minimum wage increase, and the establishment of rules for decent work, the participants made representations to all Dietmembers, conducted negotiations with ministries, and marched in demonstration to the Diet.

Zenroren President Ban’nai Mitsuo in a rally criticized the Fukuda cabinet for continuing with the “structural reform” policy line to which the voters delivered a severe verdict in the recent Upper House election, and demanded dissolution of the Lower House for a general election.

Separately, about 200 people took part in a rally in front of the Dietmembers’ Office Building organized by the People’s Big Movement Organizing Committee and some other democratic organizations.

Participants submitted to the House of Representatives a total of 55,000 signatures calling for a resolution to the medical crisis caused by a shortage of doctors and nurses as well as expressing opposition to an increase in the consumption tax rate.

Japanese Communist Party representatives Sasaki Kensho, Kasai Akira, Kokuta Keiji, and Akamine Seiken took part in these rallies to encourage participants.
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