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HOME  > 2013 June 26 - July 2
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2013 June 26 - July 2 [HISTORY]

Much evidence shows Japanese state’s involvement in ‘comfort women’ system

June 27, 2013
Japan Restoration Party co-leader Hashimoto Toru, also serving as Osaka City Mayor, has refused to withdraw his remarks stating that the Japanese Imperial Army’s “comfort women” system was “needed at that time,” turning a deaf ear to the criticism from inside and outside the country.

Concerning this issue, Akahata interviewed Kobe College professor Ishikawa Yasuhiro. The following is an excerpt from his interview:

Hashimoto insists other nations also introduced similar systems in wartime and that Japan, as a state, had never been involved in the abduction or the trafficking of those women. However, it is common knowledge that the only two countries, the Great Empire of Japan and Nazi Germany, organized such a sexual slavery system during World War II based on the states’ will. If the mayor wants to maintain his opinion, he should produce some evidence to support it.

A lot of documents have been found that show state involvement in operating the sex-slavery system.

Japan’s War Department in March 1938 ordered its expeditionary armies to collect women and make them “work” for Japanese soldiers. Three months later, a northern China theater commander directed his forces to “set up comfort facilities on the spot as soon as possible.” A bulletin of the War Department published in 1942 reported that they established a total of 400 military brothels across Asia.

Japan’s comfort women issue is attracting more worldwide attention as international movements are increasing in strength to eradicate any kind of wartime sexual abuse. Hashimoto and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, who refrains from criticizing the mayor, are both questioned their qualifications as political leaders.
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