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HOME  > 2009 December 2 - 8
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2009 December 2 - 8 [POLITICS]

JCP stands out as the party of ‘constructive opposition’ in the Diet session

December 5, 2009
The first extraordinary session of the Diet under the new administration led by the Democratic Party of Japan ended on December 4. “The Japanese Communist Party played an active role as the party of constructive opposition,” JCP Chair Shii Kazuo said in the party’s Diet members group meeting on the day.

On the task of realizing public demands, Shii referred to the enactment of the law to help hepatitis patients and the law on the fund to relieve atomic-bomb sufferers. Shii stressed that first of all, these are the results of patients’ life-or-death struggles over the years, and he went on to say that the JCP worked hard on the ruling party to get the bill enacted when it became uncertain if the bill would be passed. “Although it was the first step, this Diet session has shown that strong public pressure can change policies,” he said.

Shii then pointed out that the JCP endeavored, in the public interest, to solve problems associated with employment, the medical care system for the elderly, and the U.S. Futenma air base issue in Okinawa, while criticizing the DPJ-led administration for retreating from their election promises. The JCP stood out as the constructive opposition party in sharp contrast to the Liberal Democratic Party and Komei Party which made attacks on the new government to reverse the politics, Shii stressed.

Shii took up the task of defending parliamentary democracy as it has been repeatedly trampled on by the ruling DPJ’s high-handed way of steering and the LDP’ refusal to join in deliberations. The JCP strongly criticized the DPJ’s high-handedness and made efforts to normalize Diet proceedings by exercising the right to discuss. Shii said that the JCP’s role to defend people’s sovereignty and parliamentary democracy has become more important than ever.
- Akahata, December 5, 2009
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