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2007 July 4 - 10 TOP3 [ELECTION]

How JCP wages Upper House election campaign: Shii speaks to foreign journalists

July 4, 2007
“While the DPJ is adopting almost the same stance as the LDP on neo-liberal economic policies and the revision of Article 9, the JCP is called on to play more actively its role as the only ‘real opponent’ of the LDP” said the JCP Chair.

“What is the essence of the Japanese Communist Party and how will it fight the House of Councilors election?” was the theme of the speech that JCP Chair Shii Kazuo made on July 3 at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan in Tokyo.

An invitation the FCCJ sent to its members states, “The JCP has proved to be a lightning conductor for political dissatisfaction ... The party remains staunchly opposed to militarism. Its continuing advocacy of a society based on socialism and democracy may also resonate with those voters unhappy over growing income and social inequalities in Japan.” It described Shii as “one of Japan’s most articulate politicians.”

At the beginning of his longer than one hour-speech, Shii introduced the U.S. news magazine TIME’s recent article, entitled “Communism is Alive and Well and Living in Japan,” which he said fairly accurately profiles the JCP.

The TIME article took notice of the JCP’s history, strength at the grassroots level, lack of corruption, and position in relation to other political parties in Japan.

“While the Democratic Party of Japan is adopting almost the same stance as the Liberal Democratic Party on neo-liberal economic policies and the revision of Article 9, the JCP is called on to play more actively its role as the only ‘real opponent’ of the LDP, the only reliable opposition party aiming at a drastic change from the LDP policies,” said Shii.

In the House of Councilors election campaign, Shii said, the JCP will squarely put up the slogan, “Vote for the JCP, the only reliable opposition party, to fight against increasing poverty and defend Article 9.”

“The question of Japan’s widening social disparities is essentially a question of increasing poverty in Japan,” Shii said. He drew attention to the fact that people have become “economic refugees” in many parts in Japan although it is said to be the second strongest economic power in the world. Emphasizing the need to bring about transformation in the taxation system, social welfare programs, and employment, he expressed determination for the JCP to fulfill a role as a “lifeline” of the public.

Referring to the LDP manifesto in which it gives top priority to constitutional revision among its election promises, Shii said, “We should not underestimate the danger. We will wage a campaign to appeal to voters to advance the JCP, the most reliable party that has consistently abided by the principle of peace for 85 years, in order to stop the arbitrary move towards constitutional revision of the pro-Yasukuni Shrine Abe Cabinet.”

Asked about the prospects in the election, Shii said, “No doubt the Abe Cabinet has plunged into a serious political crisis. Alienating themselves from the LDP, more and more voters are looking for a way out. In this one-month campaign, the JCP will exert its utmost effort to make known to voters that the advance of the JCP as the real opponent of the Abe LDP-Komei government is the most assured way to change the policies.” - Akahata, July 4, 2007
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