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HOME  > 2007 June 27 - July 3
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2007 June 27 - July 3 [ANTI-N-ARMS]

Hibakusha protest against defense minister’s remark

July 3, 2007
The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) on July 2 held an urgent meeting in the Dietmembers’ building and adopted a resolution calling for the resignation of Defense Minister Kyuma Fumio who had said that the U.S. atomic Bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 “could not be helped.”

Many Dietmembers of the Japanese Communist, Democratic, Social Democratic, and People’s New parties took part.

Hidankyo Assistant Secretary General Iwasa Mikio talked about his mother, who was pinned down under the house that was crushed by the bomb blast and burned to death there 62 years ago, as well as about himself still suffering from A-bomb related diseases. “What does Mr. Kyuma think about the damages that have tortured Hibakusha? His remark tramples on human beings!” said Iwasa.

JCP Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi, speaking on behalf of 13 JCP Dietmembers participating the meeting, said, “I wonder if warm blood runs in the minister’s veins. With strong indignation, I protest against what he said.”

On the same day, the Nagasaki City Assembly adopted a unanimous resolution protesting Kyuma’s remark. It urged the defense minister to retract his words and the government to not allow cabinet members to make similar remarks.

In the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, 60 Hibakusha braved the rain to hold a sit-in protest against the defense minister’s remark. The participants adopted a resolution demanding his resignation. - Akahata, July 3, 2007
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