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2007 June 13 - 19 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP Ichida expresses opposition to extending Diet session to enact adverse bills

June 19, 2007
“The Abe Cabinet must go. It has taken a very high-handed attitude to impose policies to lower living standards and destroy peace, the Constitution, and democracy. They are not only speeding dangerously but also making sharp right turns at every corner,” Ichida said.

Asked by reporters about the ruling parties’ scheme to extend the current session of the Diet, Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Ichida Tadayoshi at a press conference on June 18 expressed his opposition to the extension, saying, “It is unjustifiable for the majority party to forcibly extend the session in order to enact adverse bills.”

Concerning a non-confidence motion against the Abe Cabinet that the Democratic, Social Democratic, and People’s New parties are considering proposing, Ichida said, “The JCP will of course vote for the motion, if submitted.”

“The Abe Cabinet must go. It has taken a very high-handed attitude to impose policies to lower living standards and destroy peace, the Constitution, and democracy. They are not only speeding dangerously but also making sharp right turns at every corner,” Ichida said. - Akahata, June 19, 2007
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