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HOME  > 2013 July 31 - August 13
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2013 July 31 - August 13 [POLITICS]

Aso’s ‘learn from Nazi’ shows his failure as politician

August 1, 2013
Japan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Aso Taro said Nazi Germany’s method for constitutional revision should be copied, showing his lack of qualifications to talk about politics.

It is reported that Aso made this remark on July 29 in a lecture he gave at a Tokyo hotel. Citing the current controversy over the Liberal Democratic Party’s move to revise the Japanese Constitution, Aso said that the reason why the move for constitutional revision attracted public attention is that “first of all, mass media made a big noise about it, and then China and South Korea jumped at the chance to comment on the issue.”

He went on to say, “The Nazis changed the German Weimar Constitution to their own constitution before anyone noticed. Why don’t we learn from their tactics?”

The Nazi government led by Adolf Hitler in 1933 created the “Enabling Act” which allowed the Nazi Regime to enact any legislation by disallowing parliamentary discussions after declaring a state of emergency.

With this, The Nazi regime achieved the power to prevent the Weimar Constitution from functioning properly and establish its military dictatorship. The Nazis, then, conducted its war of aggression and committed various war crimes such as the Holocaust which killed approximately six million Jewish people.

Aso’s remarks suggesting learning constitutional revision tactics from the Nazis totally goes against international common sense.
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