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HOME  > 2007 May 9 - 15
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2007 May 9 - 15 [HISTORY]

Abe makes offering to Yasukuni Shrine

May 9, 2007
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo made an offering to Yasukuni Shrine a 50,000 yen specially decorated sacred tree called “Masakaki” with a plate that reads “Prime Minister Abe Shinzo” during the Shrine’s spring festival (April 21-23), a shrine spokesperson and government sources revealed on May 8.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on the same day severely criticized Abe for openly supporting Yasukuni Shrine’s position of glorifying Japan’s war of aggression (See separate item).

Abe refused to confirm this later in the day, saying, “Since questions related to Yasukuni Shrine have become diplomatic problems, I will not say whether or not I will visit the shrine or whether or not I made an offering.”

The prime minister’s offering of “Masakaki” was the first time in 20 years since Nakasone Yasuhiro who was in the office between 1982 and 1987.
- Akahata, May 9, 2007
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