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2007 April 11 - 17 [ANTI-N-ARMS]

Association for Non-nuclear Government calls for government effort for nuclear weapons abolition

April 11, 2007
In connection with the first session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2010 NPT Review Conference scheduled to begin later this month, the Association for a Non-nuclear Government on April 10 made representations to the Foreign Ministry, calling on the government to play a role suitable to the only A-bombed nation in order to carry out an “unequivocal undertaking” for the abolition of nuclear weapons as agreed at the 2000 NPT Review Conference.

In their meeting with Vice Foreign Minister Asano Katushito, Coordinator Masuda Yoshinobu and other representatives of the association demanded that the government oppose any moves to block the effort to abolish nuclear weapons, press nuclear weapons states for the fulfillment of their promise and entering into negotiations for a treaty banning nuclear weapons.

They also expressed that the government should adhere to and legislate for the enforcement of the Three Non-nuclear Principles (not to manufacture, possess, or allow nuclear weapons to be brought in).

In reply, Vice Minister Asano said, “The 2010 Conference is very important. The government will do its best in the Preparatory Committee.”

Japanese Communist Party House of Representatives members Kokuta Keiji and Kasai Akira accompanied the Association representatives.
- Akahata, April 11, 2007
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