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HOME  > 2013 October 30 - November 5
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2013 October 30 - November 5 [POLITICS]

Shii determined to block cuts in all social security benefits

November 2, 2013
The House of Representatives on November 1 at its plenary session started discussing a government proposed bill to implement a program for drastically cutting payments of all social service benefits.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo at a press conference criticized the “program bill” for destroying the current public support systems.

Shii pointed out that the bill declared that it will abolish the current systems which had been established based on Article 25 of the Japanese Constitution and change the social welfare systems to ones putting emphasis on people’s self-efforts.

“It is unforgivable for the government to abandon its financial responsibility of providing public welfare services following the lead of successive governments’ maladministration that has caused a deterioration in people’s living conditions and a sharp increase in social inequality,” said Shii.

The JCP chair stated that as the bill calls for adverse revision in the fields of pension, nursing-care, healthcare, and welfare programs, experts and even conservative organizations in these fields as well as municipal authorities have voiced their criticisms and concerns. He also said that people from various social strata have launched movements to block the government revision program.

Shii expressed his determination to work hard to scrap the bill.
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