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HOME  > 2010 June 30 - July 6
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2010 June 30 - July 6 [OKINAWA]

LDP Okinawa chapter calls for Futenma base to be removed from prefecture

July 1, 2010
The Liberal Democratic Party’s Okinawa chapter calls for the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma base to be moved out of the prefecture or out of Japan in its platform for the House of Councilors election.

This call contradicts the election platform published by the central LDP pledging to promote the realignment of the U.S. forces in Japan as well as the relocation of the Futenma base from Okinawa’s Ginowan City to another location in the prefecture. The LDP Okinawa chapter’s manifesto, however, fails to give an explanation regarding the contradiction.

It also states, “U.S. base issues are not only Okinawa’s issues. The mainland should equally share them.”

The LDP Okinawa’s manifesto states that U.S. military-related projects must be accessible for bidding by local industries, showing its old-fashioned idea of developing Okinawa’s economy by relying on U.S. bases.
- Akahata, July 1, 2010
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